Request for Inclusion of a Notation on the Official Academic Transcript

Part A

UVA Official Academic Transcript Definition: “The University of Virginia Academic Transcript is the document produced by UREG (the Office of the University Registrar) from a student's academic record that is intended to communicate the student's academic performance and achievement primarily through a listing of the grades and credits that the student earned for coursework taken at the University, the resulting grade point average from this coursework, and any degrees, along with related majors and minors, that the student has been awarded.”

Question: Can a notation be considered for inclusion on the Official Academic Transcript.


  • In order for a notation (award, honor, activity, etc.) to be considered for inclusion on the Official Academic Transcript, effective with the fall 2009 term a member of the teaching faculty must sponsor the request and provide documentation of the request as outlined in Part B.
  • The request would be submitted to an advisory council established by the Provost in order to review such requests and make recommendations to the Provost.
  • The advisory council would consist of the Vice Provost for Academic Programs (co-chair), Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs (co-chair), Dean of Students, University Registrar, a member of the academic faculty, a Faculty Senate representative, and a student representative.
  • The advisory council would recommend to the Provost whether or not inclusion of a specific notation on the official academic transcript is appropriate based on the definition of the Official Academic Transcript, and in consultation with the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) Transcript guidelines. In addition, the council would advise the Provost on the resources required to include the notation.
  • The final decision whether or not to allow inclusion of the notation would be that of the Provost.

Part B

Request Outline:

  1. Describe the request including the activity or activities in which the student is engaged that would lead to the requested notation.
  2. Describe how the notation acknowledges either the result of an academic experience that should be documented on the Official Academic Transcript.
  3. Describe the process that will be used, including ownership for the process, to identify students who have completed all requirements associated with the award, honor, activity, or other type of notation.
  4. Describe whether the award, honor, or activity is one that is granted as part of graduation or at some other time, and whether it is school specific, university-wide, or something else.