Appointments of Foreign Faculty and Researchers

The University does not employ a citizen of another nation unless that individual has a valid visa status for the position in question. The United States Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services, Department of Labor, Department of State, and the U.S. Information Agency are government agencies which regulate the entry into the U.S. and the employment of non-U.S. citizens and permanent residents. Thus, the hiring of foreign nationals is complicated by the involvement of such diverse branches of government.

Because of the complex nature of the laws, regulations, and practice associated with this area, the University has delegated liaison responsibility to the Office of Compliance and Immigration Services, organized within Human Resources. Advice on individual situations should always be sought from this staff prior to making any final hiring offers to foreign nationals. This will alleviate potential problems and delays due to inappropriate visa status of the foreign national. It is critical that adequate time be allowed to proceed with this aspect of the appointment sequence.

Several visa options, each carrying specific conditions, permit foreign nationals to receive appointments with University departments. Tenured, tenure-track, long-term (anticipated three years or more), and non-term appointments may require an H-1B or permanent resident visa. In some instances, short-term appointments may qualify for an H-1B. Short- term appointments (anticipated to be less than three years) and non-salaried courtesy appointments for visiting scholars may qualify for participation in the Exchange Visitor Program (and entry on the J-1 visa). For questions concerning the J-1 Exchange Visitors Program, please contact the Office of International Studies. In limited cases involving no compensation for services, the B-1 visa may be recommended. The Compliance and Immigration Services staff will advise on the appropriate visa choice given the particular circumstances and provide necessary documentary support and liaison with governmental agencies.