Guidelines for Developing Some Common Types of Academic Program Agreements

These guidelines complement the University’s Policy on Executing University Contracts and its Policy on Academic Approval and Signatory Authority for Academic Program Agreements. Any academic program agreement, including those not discussed in detail below, is a contract and is therefore governed by both policies. Readers should consult these policies in addition to relying on the guidelines provided below.

To initiate the process of drafting and approving an academic program agreement, whether a new agreement or a renewal, please first contact your dean’s office. After contacting your dean’s office, a request should be submitted via the online academic program agreement request form. This form should be submitted only for one agreement; if you have multiple agreement requests, please submit one form for each proposal. Please anticipate that the types of academic program agreements outlined below could take up to approximately six weeks from the time they are proposed until enacted. For general questions on the academic program agreement process that are not addressed here, please contact Matt Banfield, Assistant Vice Provost for Academic Affairs.

General Agreements for Academic Cooperation and Exchange

What Are They?

General Agreements for Academic Cooperation and Exchange (“general agreements”) are typically initial statements of a willingness to collaborate in one or more academic activities, but without binding obligations upon either institution other than a commitment to working collegially in furtherance of the stated objectives of the agreement. General agreements typically stipulate that specific collaborative activities will require subsequent agreements, all of which must follow the appropriate procedures as outlined below.

Who Signs?

The Executive Vice President and Provost. Additionally, in instances when an agreement is school-specific, the dean(s) of the affected school(s) will also sign. 

Who Coordinates Review?

The Provost’s Office and Office of General Counsel jointly review the proposed agreement and ensure that all necessary reviews have been completed prior to its submission to the Executive Vice President and Provost. Reviews may be required from the International Studies Office, the President’s Office, Vice Provost for Global Affairs, Risk Management, Office of the Vice President for Research, Financial Reporting and Operations, or others.

Additional Documentation Required?

The dean’s office of each affected school provides a short letter of support explaining the rationale for the University entering into the proposed agreement. Letters of support should be addressed to the Executive Vice President and Provost and must be included with the approved agreement when it is submitted to the Provost’s Office for final signature.

Student Exchange Agreements

What Are They?

Student exchange agreements make it possible for UVA students to study at another institution of higher education while also permitting students from that institution to study at UVA. Under Virginia law, exchange programs must provide for an equal exchange of students over a three-year period.

Who Signs?

The Executive Vice President and Provost. Additionally, in instances when an agreement is school-specific, the dean(s) of the affected school(s) will also sign. 

Who Coordinates Review?

The Provost’s Office and Office of General Counsel jointly review the proposed agreement and ensure that all necessary reviews have been completed prior to its submission to the Executive Vice President and Provost. Reviews may be required from the International Studies Office, the President’s Office, Vice Provost for Global Affairs, Risk Management, Office of the Vice President for Research, Financial Reporting and Operations, or others.

Additional Documentation Required?

The dean’s office of each affected school provides a short letter of support explaining the rationale for the University entering into the proposed agreement. Letters of support should be addressed to the Executive Vice President and Provost and must be included with the approved agreement when it is submitted to the Provost’s Office for final signature.

Show What Happens First?

Any individual or department who has either an interest in developing a student exchange agreement with another institution, or who is approached by another institution expressing such an interest, should notify their dean’s office immediately. After contacting the dean’s office, a request should be submitted via the online academic program agreement request form.

Study Abroad Agreements

What Are They?

Study abroad agreements include any agreements pertaining to University programs conducted in a foreign country, or to University students attending a program in a foreign country administered by a third party. Examples include any agreements whereby the University is contracting with a third party to provide program services abroad for University students, and any agreements that permit students from other United States schools to attend a UVA study abroad program.

Who Signs?

The Executive Vice President and Provost. Additionally, in instances when an agreement is school-specific, the dean(s) of the affected school(s) will also sign.

Who Coordinates Review?

The Provost’s Office and Office of General Counsel jointly review the proposed agreement and ensure that all necessary reviews have been completed prior to its submission to the Executive Vice President and Provost. Reviews may be required from the International Studies Office, the President’s Office, Vice Provost for Global Affairs, Risk Management, Office of the Vice President for Research, Financial Reporting and Operations, or others.

Additional Documentation Required?

The dean’s office of each affected school provides a short letter of support explaining the rationale for the University entering into the proposed agreement. Letters of support should be addressed to the Executive Vice President and Provost and must be included with the approved agreement when it is submitted to the Provost’s Office for final signature.

What Happens First?

Any individual or department who either has an interest in developing a study abroad agreement with another institution, or who is approached by another institution expressing such an interest, should notify their dean’s office immediately. After contacting the dean’s office, a request should be submitted via the online academic program agreement request form.

View Active Internationally-Based Agreements

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