Political Activity
Faculty members are entitled to engage freely in political activity consistent with obligations as teachers and scholars. The political positions assumed by members of the faculty are personal ones, and faculty members must ensure that they do not necessarily, nor even inferentially, imply that such positions are endorsed by the University. For this reason, a faculty member should avoid expressing such political positions on University letterhead.
Many kinds of political activity are consistent with effective public service and the University encourages such service. Some activities may involve so much time as to affect adversely the faculty member's ability to perform expected academic responsibilities. In that situation, a faculty member should seek a leave of absence. The deans and vice presidents are responsible for determining whether a given kind of public service will require modification of a faculty member's full-time employment status or will require some form of leave of absence. Such a leave of absence, should it be required, shall not affect unfavorably the tenure status of a faculty member.
Related Information:
Policy on Campaigning for and Serving in a Public Office