Resources for Chairs and Academic Unit Heads

Options for Responding to Harassment 


It is generally best not to engage with harassers, who are not looking for constructive debate. In a Pew Research Center poll, 83% of those who refused to engage said that it was an effective strategy in ending the situation. 

  • Block harassers in email and personal social media accounts. 
  • Many social media platforms allow users to report inappropriate content and to request its removal. For example, you can report harassment or bullying on Instagram, report abusive behavior on X (formerly Twitter), and report abusive content on Facebook. On YouTube, click on the three-dot icon near the bottom-right corner of the video to reveal the “Report” button. For other platforms, searching the user guide for “report” is a good first step for identifying reporting processes. 
  • Individuals may be best advised to save all evidence of abuse if it rises to a legally actionable situation. Document what you’re experiencing. Save any relevant voicemails, emails, and text messages, and take screenshots or photos of social media postings that include coercive, intimidating, or harassing content. 
  • Email filters can be used to redirect harassing or threatening messages. This allows you to avoid seeing these messages while preserving them for potential investigation. 
  • Temporarily privatize social media accounts. 

Crafting a Statement  

Most situations defuse quickly. But in cases where the situation gains momentum or builds to such a degree as to threaten the professional reputation of the faculty member, they may choose to issue a public statement or respond to individual inquiries. 

As a form of personal reputation management, sometimes faculty members prepare a brief message explaining their position and circulate it among their departmental and disciplinary colleagues. 

Engaging Directly 

Recommendations usually advise against this, as it tends to inflame the situation. However, some faculty choose to engage directly with online harassers. See PEN America’s suggestions and Pew Research Center’s suggestions

Set Expectations with Faculty Member 

Seeking Legal Advice  

As a public university, we are bound by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and each of us — faculty, staff, student — is protected by the First Amendment. It is important to note that the First Amendment affords wide latitude for speech, including speech that some would see as offensive, hateful, or harassing. Frequently asked questions related to the freedom of speech, academic freedom, the rights of student groups and controversial speakers, and our commitment to community safety are found on the University’s free speech website

The faculty member may choose to speak with a lawyer to help them explore their legal options by explaining risks, costs, and likely outcomes of a potential legal claim. The Virginia State Bar's Virginia Lawyer Referral Service or Virginia Legal Aid provide lists of private attorneys. The UVA Office of General Counsel does not provide counsel or representation to individual faculty, staff, administrators or students in matters outside the scope of University business. 

Public Records (FOIA) Requests 

The Virginia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), located in § 2.2-3700 et. seq. of the Code of Virginia, permits citizens of the Commonwealth and representatives of the media access to the public records of public bodies, public officials and public employees, subject to the statutory exemptions of FOIA.

Typically, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests are directed to the Office of the University Counsel; however, requests may be sent directly to a faculty or staff member at the University. Requests received by faculty or staff are subject to the same rights, responsibilities and time limits under FOIA. 

If you receive a FOIA request, follow the instructions for employees on the Office of University Counsel website, including immediately forwarding the request to the University Counsel FOIA office. 

Requestable records can include email, texts, files, etc. including from non-UVA accounts or devices. What matters is not the medium but whether the content relates to UVA work. Communications carried out (minus some exemptions) on UVA email are considered UVA work and can be requested. 

Recording of Class Sessions and Distribution of Course Materials
Reporting an Incident

To report an incident in our community related to Bias and Discrimination/Harassment, Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Violence, Hazing, Clery Act Compliance (by CSAs), Interference with Speech Rights, Youth Protection, and Preventing & Addressing Threats or Acts of Violence, use the Just Report It page.