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Thomas Jefferson Awards

The Thomas Jefferson Awards are the highest honors given to members of the University community who have exemplified the principles, ideals, and mission of the University, in their character, work, and influence. 

One award, sponsored since 1955 by the McConnell Foundation, recognizes excellence in service to the University. The other, which was established in 2009 by the Alumni Board of Trustees Endowment Fund, recognizes excellence in scholarship. Eligibility requirements are described below. Each award consists of a citation and a cash prize.

Scholarship Award

The Thomas Jefferson Award for scholarship nomination is open to all UVA faculty members who have served the institution in a full-time capacity for 15 or more years. Retired faculty members are not eligible with one exception — faculty members who have retired after April 1, 2023, are eligible. The selection committee is looking for a nominee who has demonstrated excellence in scholarship, research, and/or creative works. The nominee should have a dedicated record of creation and/or dissemination of knowledge and has contributed substantially to the education and/or development of students and provided significant service to the University.

Eligibility Requirements

Before submitting your nomination packet, please check if the person is eligible for the award:

  • Full-time faculty member
  • Employed by the University of Virginia in a full-time capacity for at least 15 years.
  • Currently employed by the University or retired only after April 1, 2023.

The nomination packet should include all required documents as listed below and should be submitted as a single pdf in the following order:

  1. Letter of Nomination describing the detailed contributions of the nominee (in 1,000-2,000 words)
  2. Supporting Letters
    • Minimum of three supporting letters with a maximum of five
    • Two of the supporting letters are to come from an external source
  3. Curriculum Vita

The submission deadline for the 2024 awards has passed.

Service Award

The Thomas Jefferson Award for service nomination is open to all UVA faculty members and staff members serving in a University Managerial and Professional or University Executive staff position who have been employed by the University in a full-time capacity for 15 or more years. Retired faculty and staff members are not eligible with one exception – faculty and staff members who have retired after April 1, 2023, are eligible. The selection committee is looking for a nominee who has provided long-term and significant service to their school/unit and to the University as a whole. The committee will also consider service to their profession and/or community.

Eligibility Requirements

Before submitting your nomination packet, please check if the person is eligible for the award:

  • Full-time faculty member, University Managerial and Professional staff member, or University Executive staff member
  • Employed by the University of Virginia in a full-time capacity for at least 15 years.
  • Currently employed by the University or retired after April 1, 2023.

The nomination packet should include all required documents as listed below and should be submitted as a single pdf in the following order:

  1. Letter of Nomination describing the detailed contributions of the nominee (in 1,000-2,000 words)
  2. Supporting Letters
    • Minimum of three supporting letters with a maximum of five
  3. Curriculum Vita / Resume

The submission deadline for the 2024 awards has passed.

For questions, email the Thomas Jefferson Awards Committee or contact Cecil Banks in the Office of Major Events at 434-924-6359.

Thomas Jefferson Awards Committee Members


  • Maite Brandt-Pearce, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
  • James E. Burroughs, Commerce
  • Julie I. Caruccio, Student Affairs
  • William S. Epling, Engineering & Applied Science
  • Judy Fox, Data Science
  • David LeBlang, Batten
  • Julia May, Continuing & Professional Studies
  • Kara McClurken, Libraries
  • Rachel Most, Arts & Sciences
  • Dan Ortiz, Law
  • Vivian Riefberg, Darden
  • Anneke Schroen, Medicine
  • John Teahan, Nursing
  • Sarah Turner, Education and Human Development
  • Peter D. Waldman, Architecture
  • Patrick Wood, UVA Staff Senate

Student Members

  • Tichara Robertson, Student Council President
  • Lillian Rojas, BOV Student Rep

Ex Officio

  • Cecil Banks, Executive Director for Major Events and External Relations