Virginia Status of University Students Committee

Committee Reporting Relationship

The Committee reports to the Executive Vice President and Provost.


The Virginia Status of University Students Committee oversees the classification of students and prospective students into categories of Virginians and non-Virginians, makes recommendations regarding present or proposed University regulations and policies concerning Virginia student status, as well as any proposed state statutory changes, coordinates and cooperates with the various admissions offices and the Office of Student Financial Services, providing them with information concerning the Virginia status of students, and provides requested information concerning Virginia status and issues requested rulings on the status of students or prospective students.

Committee Structure

The Committee, appointed by the Executive Vice President and Provost, consists of three faculty/staff members with one of the three being a member of the law faculty. The Director of the Virginia Status of University Students serves as an ex-officio member (non-voting) and Executive Secretary.


As of February 2025

  • Ethan Yale, Committee Chair, Professor of Law
  • Karlin Luedtke, Committee Member, Assistant Professor/Assistant Dean
  • Cindy Kiefer, Committee Member, Associate Dean of Student Affairs


Andrea Leeds Armstrong, Executive Secretary (Director, Virginia Status of University Students)