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- As you become aware of an incident, reach out to the targeted individual(s) to offer support and resources. Help the faculty member to connect with appropriate University offices to report their experiences (read Information for Faculty Members).
- Reinforce the importance of the safety of members of our community, and UVA’s commitment to free expression and free inquiry.
- Coordinate with the department chair to assess whether others in the department or dean’s office (e.g., administrative staff who answer the phone) may be in the path of targeted phone calls or harassing messages. If so, provide a script for answering phone calls and work with the dean’s office and school-based communicators (who will coordinate with University communications as appropriate) to determine a course of action.
- Coordinate with the department chair to work with the appropriate University departments and officials, assess the broader safety issues for the targeted individual(s). For example, you may consider whether workspaces (office, lab, classroom) should be temporarily moved or protected, whether contact information should be temporarily removed from department websites, and whether others are at risk.
- Coordinate with University Communications staff about public/media coverage and statements from the University, if appropriate.