Longer-Term Prevention and Preparation for Faculty

Preventive Faculty Email and Digital Media Usage

UVA Information Security strongly recommends that employees use UVA email accounts for all work-related email. UVA ITS strongly advises not to redirect or auto-forward email sent to your UVA-provided email address(es) to personal, non-UVA email service(s). If you wish to use a personal email account for your University work activities or redirect a University account to a personal email account, you must agree to the Email Forwarding Guidance and Conditions

  • When you publish something likely to be controversial, consider setting a Google Alert for your name.  
  • Consider proactively blocking outlets that actively monitor professors' social media feeds (read this AAUP article for more information). 

State clearly on your social media profiles that views expressed there are your own, not those of your employer, in accordance with the University policy on Faculty Political Activity and AAUP recommendations. 

  • The AAUP asserts that:
“professors should also have the freedom to address the larger community without regard to any matter of social, political economic, or other interest without institutional discipline or restraint, save in response to fundamental violations of professional ethics or statements that suggest disciplinary incompetence.” 

“When they speak or write as citizens, they should be free from institutional censorship or discipline, but their special position in the community imposes special obligations. As scholars and educational officers, they should remember that the public may judge their profession and their institution by their utterances. Hence they should at all times be accurate, should exercise appropriate restraint, should show respect for the opinions of others, and should make every effort to indicate that they are not speaking for the institution.” 
Protect Yourself Online 

There are simple actions you may take to protect yourself from some kinds of online targeting and also from other threats, such as identity theft. Although not an exhaustive list, the following guidelines, tips, and reminders will assist you in safeguarding your personal information. 

  • Use strong, unique passwords for your accounts and avoid sharing them. For help choosing a good passphrase, visit the UVA Passphrase Guidance. Do not re-use UVA passwords/passphrases anywhere else online. 
  • Be cautious about posting personal information on Instagram, Facebook, X, or other social media sites. When using social media, do not post your home address, phone number, workplace address, or other personal information. Limit the visibility of your posts to those in your approved network (“friends”). 
  • When connecting to the internet through an untrusted network, such as in a coffee shop or airport, use a VPN (Virtual Private Network). If you are unable to use a VPN, be sure that the public network sharing functionality on your device is disabled. 
  • Beware of phishing scams and never disclose personal information in unsolicited emails or pop-ups. These emails may appear to be legitimate. Be wary. Legitimate sources will not ask for personal or account information without verifying the email. If you receive an electronic communication such as an email from what appears to be your bank or credit card company, or any email that seems out of context given the sender, directing you to click an embedded link, delete the email. Learn more about phishing
  • Do not use another individual’s credentials or allow them to use yours. 
  • Log off or password lock the screen of your computer when you leave your desk. 
  • Keep information displayed on your screen confidential, and keep confidential printed material secured. 
  • If you become aware that University data may have been exposed to unauthorized persons, email Information Security