Libraries Committee
Charge to the Committee
The University Libraries Committee advises the University Librarian on critical matters in areas where the Library serves the needs of faculty and students, including materials, services, facilities and equipment, and space. In addition, it serves as a forum for gathering and disseminating information about Library activities, priorities, and decisions. The Committee also helps the Library to achieve its goal of creating and fostering inclusive collections, spaces, and services.
Appointment to the Committee
Faculty members are invited to the University Libraries Committee after consultation between the Library and the Faculty Senate Committee on Research, Teaching, and Scholarship. Normally terms will be for two years, and may be renewed as mutually agreed upon for up to an additional four years. Membership is meant to be representative of the different schools and colleges of the University of Virginia, with one representative from each and two from Arts and Sciences, because of the broad range of disciplines covered in that college.
Committee Roles
Each year, there needs to be a chair elected by the faculty members of the University Libraries Committee from among themselves. The Dean of Libraries or another ex-officio member will normally serve as secretary.
After the first meeting of the year, committee members will be allowed to remove their name from consideration as chair by writing to the secretary. Before the second meeting, the secretary will put the remaining names up as candidates to be voted on by the committee members. Beginning with the second meeting, the chair will serve for the rest of that academic year.
Work Product
At the end of the academic year, the Chair of the University Libraries Committee (with support as needed from the secretary) will produce a brief report to the Provost and the Faculty Senate on the topics covered and activities undertaken by the committee during that year.
University Library Committee Members
Eric Anderson - Engineering
Elizabeth Bradley - Medicine
George Cohen - Law
Jim Detert - Darden
Melissa Gomes (Chair) - Nursing
John Edwin Mason - History
James McElvain - SCPS
Lisa Reilly - Architectural History
Jess Reia - Data Science
Naila Smith - Education
Bob Webb - Commerce
Brian Williams - Batten
Ex-Officio Members
John Unsworth - Dean of Libraries
Amy Wharton - Director, Law Library
Bart Ragon - Director, Health Sciences Library
Tom Marini - Director, Darden Library