University Teaching & Learning Technology Committee

Charge & Structure

Committee work is guided by a steering committee composed of the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, the Vice President & Chief Information Officer, UTLT chairs and sub-committee chairs, and the Vice Provost for Academic Technology. 

The steering committee is advised by a school representatives advisory group. Representatives are Dean appointed from each UVA school.

The bulk of committee membership rests in four subcommittees: Digital Ecosystem; Online Teaching & Learning; Classroom, Lab & Studio Technology; Assessment and Reporting. Each subcommittee has a chair.

Ad hoc working groups may form depending on projects and needs.


UTLT Committee

UTLT Committee

Executive Sponsors

Role: Set strategy and provide advocacy across the institution.

  • Brie Gertler, Vice Provost for Academic Affair
  • Dana German, Interim Vice President and Chief Information Officer

Steering Committee

Role: Help determine priorities, review progress, and gauge impact and success.

  • Executive Sponsors (see above)
  • Chair(s) (see below)
  • Sub-Committee Chairs (see below)
  • Vice Provost of Academic Technology

UTLT Chairs

Role: Enact strategy by communicating priorities, building relationships, lowering barriers, and working closely with Subcommittee Chairs to advance specific projects and initiatives.

  • Michael Palmer, Director, Center for Teaching Excellence

UTLT Subcommittee Chairs & Members

Role: Chairs lead and members advance projects and initiatives within the scope of the subcommittee. Contact the UTLT Chair for current membership.

Digital Ecosystem Focus

Maintaining health of existing ecosystem, identification/piloting of new and emerging learning technologies/tools.

  • Chair: Matthew Burgess, Assistant Director of Learning Technology Initiatives (CTE)

Online Teaching & Learning Focus

Shaping infrastructure needed for robust online learning programs and experiences. 

  • Chair: Vacant

Physical Classroom, Lab, & Studio Technology Focus

Developing and maintaining robust technology infrastructure in physical spaces.

  • Chair: Jason Bennett, Maker Space Specialist, A&S Learning Design & Technology

Assessment & Reporting Focus

Conducting research to gauge health of digital ecosystem (tool usage, user feedback, course evals, focus groups, etc.)

  • Chair, Lindsay Wheeler, Assistant Director of STEM Education Initiatives (CTE)

School Representatives Advisory Group

Role: Help inform the work of the committee and disseminate information back to their constituents.


The following represent major projects UTLT sub-committees have completed. They are ordered from newest to oldest.

Learning Tech

The Digital Ecosystem subcommittee developed the Learning Tech website, which is an innovative, searchable catalog of tools. The catalog provides vital information about the tool’s pedagogical purposes, functions, availability, and support options. Each tool is described in the context of its practical applications for teaching and learning, from fostering a range of learning activities and improving assessment and evaluation processes to encouraging increased student engagement and collaboration. Tools can be rated and requested directly through the site.

Status: on-going development

Small Change, Big Impact

The Online Teaching & Learning subcommittee has developed Small Change, Big Impact, an expansive repository of short videos that share the small yet meaningful ways instructors across UVA are engaging students, building community in their courses, and maximizing UVA's learning technologies—during the pandemic and beyond.

Status: completed but accepting new stories

Landscape Report

The Assessment & Reporting subcommittee gathered information from individuals involved in the UTLT committee, surveys of faculty (n=223) and students (n=515), and data from educational technology tools and LMSs to better understand the current digital ecosystem landscape. The scope was limited to the following ecosystem components:

  • Learning Management Systems (LMSs): Collab, Canvas, Brightspace, Blackboard
  • Centrally supported educational technology tools: Digication, Gradescope, Hypothesis, Peerceptiv, Piazza, Poll Everywhere, Voice Thread, Zoom live transcript

Report available upon request.

Status: completed