Salary Actions

Salary Actions Requiring Board of Visitors Approval

In general, any change to an individual’s rate of pay should be taken to the board, regardless of the reason, except as specified below.

Do Not Take:
Do not take when the rate of pay is not changing. If an individual’s salary is changing due to changes in their effort (also referred to as FTE or hours) and/or a change in salaried months (from/to 9, 10, 11 or 12), and the rate of pay is the same, do not take. Individuals who are going on leave with partial pay or returning from leave with partial pay should not be taken.

In addition, do not take on-cycle merit increases, even when those increases are for multiple reasons and/or entered after the fact, because those are taken as one action by the board. Even when the annual merit increase is entered several months after the effective date, that increase does not need to be taken.

Special Notes On Salaries For Early or Mid-Term Hires

Whenever the start date isn’t a standard August 25 academic term we will use the phrasing “for the period…”
Example: Ms. Bryn E. Whiteley, as Assistant Professor of Engineering and Society, General Faculty, for the period August 10, 2017, through May 24, 2020, at an academic year salary of $54,000.

  • We take the salary as the ongoing base rate figure (not the one keyed on August 10), and the ongoing salary basis (academic or annual)
  • When someone is only being elected for one year, we use the phrase “at a salary of….” and do not indicate an academic or annual basis; we also take the full amount including any supplemental income for starting before August 25.
  • During review, call out these special circumstances, in a separate spreadsheet if necessary, for extra scrutiny.