
Upcoming Events

Student Dialogue Fellowships (Karsh Good Life Political Project)

Monthly Dinner Series

The Good Life Political Project at UVA's Karsh Institute of Democracy is bringing together more than 300 students from all backgrounds and with a diverse range of views and experiences for the Student Dialogue Fellowship, which will convene multiple cohorts of UVA undergraduate and graduate students for a monthly dinner series in the fall of 2024.

Past Events

The History and Context of Peace Negotiations in the Middle East

Nau Hall, 101

A Conversation with Dennis Ross, Ambassador and William Davidson Distinguished Fellow at the Washington Institute and Ghaithal-Omari, Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert Foundation Senior Fellow at the Washington Institute. This event is part of the Arts & Sciences series on Enabling Difficult Conversations.

Transitions: Planning and Staffing a Presidency

The Brookings Institution, The Falk Auditorium Washington, DC

Newly elected Presidents have eleven weeks to translate their electoral victory into a governing agenda and team. 

How Americans can Disagree Better

In Person / On Line

Governor Phil Murphy (D-NJ) and Governor Spencer Cox (R-UT) will discuss the current climate of political polarization.

Empty Pedestals: Countering Confederate Narratives through Public Design

Campbell 153

This book talk is sponsored by the School of Architecture. Empty Pedestals (LSU Press, 2024) uses a design perspective to explore how monuments to the Confederacy speak to regionalism, racist political agendas, and residual collective pain.

Election 2024: Moving toward the Transition

The Miller Center

After the 2024 elections, what happens next with transition planning and putting a new administration's priorities into motion? This event will be moderated by Bill Antholis, Miller Center director and CEO.

Election 2024: Post-Election Analysis

Garrett Hall & Online

The 2024 election has been one of the most closely watched and consequential races in modern American history. Less than 48 hours after polls close, join Karsh Institute of Democracy Executive Director Melody Barnes, Miller Center of Public Affairs Director Bill Antholis, former White House speechwriter Mary Kate Cary, and UVA Batten Associate Professor of Public Policy and Politics Ashley Jardina for a roundtable conversation about the results of the 2024 presidential election and where we go from here. Moderated by Ian H.

Speaking Event with Her Excellency Shaikha Al-Zain Al-Sabah, Ambassador of Kuwait to the United States

Harrison Auditorium, Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library

Her Excellency Shaikha Al-Zain Al-Sabah, Ambassador of Kuwait to the United States, will speak on the present and past relationship with the U.S. and issues impacting Kuwait and the region. This event is organized by the UVA Center for Politics as part of the Global Perspectives on Democracy series, with co-sponsorship from the Vice Provost's Office for Global Affairs. This event is also a part of Global Week.

Politics in the Classroom: A Workshop for Batten & EHD Faculty

Controversial political issues often arise as topics of conversation within classrooms -- whether intentionally as part of an instructor’s aims for a course or unintentionally due to student interest. This workshop will support faculty in developing inclusive and respectful strategies for fielding students’ comments and concerns. It will begin with a brief overview of Professor Rachel Wahl’s research with a focus on the practical implications for navigating classroom discussions.

Election 2024: State of the Race

The Miller Center

A week before this year’s historic presidential election, join experts at the Miller Center for a wide-ranging conversation on the state of the race. What happened in previous elections—with one week to go—and what are the key dates and democratic processes that will take place after November 5, 2024? This event is co-sponsored by the Miller Center and the Karsh Institute of Democracy.

Tackling Democracy: Is It the Best Form of Government?

UVA Alumni Hall, Ballroom

From all points on the political spectrum come concerns about the future of democracy at home and abroad. What exactly is “democracy”? What are its origins? How has it evolved? Is it the same as a “republic”?  UVA’s Professors Barbara Perry, Miller Center, and Melody Barnes, Karsh Institute of Democracy, will discuss these timely questions about democratic government and respond to your queries. Hosted by UVA Lifetime Learning.

The Dreaded October Surprise

UVA Rotunda Dome Room / Hybrid

UVA Center for Politics

Teaching During Periods of Political Turmoil

New Cabell 309

Join us for this brown bag lunch discussion that will sort fact from fiction when thinking about the current politically charged moment and provide strategies and tools for managing a classroom and your personal political commitments when teaching. This session will be facilitated by Ian Mullins, CTE Faculty Fellow and Assistant Professor of Sociology.

This event is part of the Center for Teaching Excellence Brown Bag Lunch series.

Salam Fayyad Speaking Event

The Rotunda and Livestreamed

As part of its Fall 2024 Distinguished Speaker Series, the Jefferson Literary and Debating Society has invited Former Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority Salam Fayyad to speak with its members and guests. Mr. Fayyad is a current visiting scholar at Princeton University. The conversation will be moderated by Mara Rudman, the James R. Schlesinger Distinguished Professor and a former US deputy national security advisor.

Where Do We Go From Here? The Future of Free Speech on College Campuses

Old Cabell Hall

It has been 60 years since the start of the Free Speech Movement on college campuses. Where do we go from here? Join us on October 17 in Old Cabell Hall for a discussion about the movement’s future.
The evening will begin with the debut of a short documentary by Oscar-winning filmmaker and UVA professor Paul Wagner, detailing the start of the free speech movement at UC Berkeley in the fall of 1964.

Batten Hour: “Good” Public Speech: Incentivizing Dialogue Over Debate

Garrett Hall Room 100 (Great Hall)

As we prepare for an election season, join professors Frank Dukes, Rachel Wahl, and Brian Williams, for a discussion on what can be gained from constructive dialogue. Each professor will bring their unique training and perspective, calling upon us to explore our own notions of community speech, modeling the traits of effective policy leaders.