Academic Program Review - Timeline
Academic units are reviewed throughout the calendar year. The following are deadlines that all units are expected to abide by. The dean or vice president who oversees the unit might have earlier deadlines in order for them to review materials prior to submission to the vice provost for academic affairs.
At least four months before the review
List of potential reviewers for the unit being reviewed needs to be approved by the vice provost for academic affairs. This list should be created in consultation with the dean or Vice President who oversees the unit. Approval of the potential reviewer list is required before any invitations can be made.
At least three months before the review
Dates for your program review need to be set. The dates should be determined in consultation with the dean or Vice President who oversees the unit. Dates need to be approved by the vice provost for academic affairs.
At least two months before the review
Self-Study needs to be provided to the vice provost of academic affairs, the Academic Strategy Committee, and the Review Committee by the dean or Vice President who oversees the unit.