STEM Symposium Fall 2022

Celebrating and Empowering Faculty

October 4, 2022
Newcomb Hall, South Meeting Room


Morning Workshop

Time Event
8:45 AM Check-in, Coffee and Pastries
9L00 AM Welcome from Brie Gertler, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
9:10 AM Workshop: “The Social Context of STEM Teaching & Learning: Exploring Personal Journeys and Strategies,” led by Bryan Dewsbury, Associate Professor of Biological Sciences at Florida International University
12:00 PM

Lunch, provided on-site 

Please feel free to step outside or to stay with us in the meeting room.


Afternoon Sessions

Time Event
1:00 PM  Opening Remarks from Ian Baucom, Executive Vice President and Provost
1:10 PM Keynote Address: “The Promise and Practice of Inclusive STEM Education,” by Professor Bryan Dewsbury
2:00 PM  Break
2:10 PM 

Faculty Teaching Showcase
Presentations of teaching strategies developed by UVA Faculty

  • Maksim Bychkov, Physics
  • Jay Hirsh, Biology
  • Garrick Louis, Engineering Systems & Environment
  • Lisa Morkowchuk, Chemistry
  • Upsorn Praphamontripong, Computer Science Moderated by Linda Columbus, Chemistry
3:00 PM 

Coffee, Cookies, and Connections
Connect with faculty with similar teaching interests, learn about available resources, and peruse posters with examples of teaching practices submitted by faculty members. Moderated by Lynn Mandeltort, Center for Teaching Excellence. Posters contributed by:

  • Alicia Frantz, Chemistry
  • Ben Hayes, Mathematics
  • Brian Helmke, Biomedical Engineering
  • Daniel James, Mathematics
  • Meiqin Li, Applied Mathematics
  • Jessamyn Manson, Biology
  • Olivier Pfister, Physics
  • George Prpich, Chemical Engineering
  • Rich Ross, Statistics
  • Jelena Samonina, Chemistry
  • Natasha Smith, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
  • Dan Spitzner, Statistics
  • Xiaochao Zheng, Physics


Event concludes at 4:00pm.

Fall 2022 STEM Symposium was supported by funding from the HHMI Driving Change Learning Grant

About Bryan Dewsbury, PhD

Bryan Dewsbury is Associate Professor of Biological Sciences at Florida International University. He is the Principal Investigator for the Science Education and Society (SEAS) research program, focusing on questions relating to identity, bias, relationships, and the effects of those variables on learning. Dr. Dewsbury's work addresses pressing issues such as student retention in STEM fields, the under-representation of minority groups in certain STEM fields, and the role of affect (instructor and student) in promoting student learning gains. He also uses the results of those efforts to help faculty develop inclusive curricula and sense of community in the classroom. Learn more about the SEAS research program at

Descriptions of Professor Dewsbury’s presentations

Morning Workshop: “The Social Context of STEM Teaching & Learning: Exploring Personal Journeys & Strategies”

True equity-minded teaching is based on relationship building - a process which includes an understanding of ourselves and all that we bring to the classroom space. In this workshop, we will engage in an activity that will open our eyes to our varied experiential histories, and reflect on how those histories may impact our practice and the experience of our students. We will also discuss specific strategies whose explicit intent is to mitigate potential inequities that may surface within the STEM classroom.


Keynote Address: "The Promise and Practice of Inclusive STEM Education"

Classroom instruction has the potential to prepare students for full participation in a functioning democracy through the cultivation of technical expertise and formative practice in dialogue and collaboration. In this talk we will explore how inclusive approaches, agnostic to discipline, position us to empower students with the agency needed for social participation. Necessary for this thinking is a slight pivot away from subject matter focus, leaving room for a more human-centered approach to teaching. Evidence from the impact will be shared and implications for its scaling will also be discussed.