Leadership Development

Faculty are often called upon to serve in a variety of leadership roles throughout their careers. The Office of the Provost provides a range of opportunities to support and teach faculty about best practices in inclusive, effective leadership so that they might best achieve their goals and serve the people and missions in their charge. 

Leadership in Academic Matters Program (LAM)

The Leadership in Academic Matters Program is a semester-long leadership development program for UVA faculty in leadership roles and select staff who work closely with faculty administration, covering topics as negotiations, equity, diversity and inclusion, leadership for organizational change, emotional intelligence, financial management, and finding life balance in a dynamic and growing career.

Learn more about LAM

Confidential Leadership Coaching with Director of LAM/Associate Vice Provost Knight

Leaders of all kinds often benefit from one-on-one confidential conversations with a leadership expert who can coach them through their particular challenges. Dr. Jennie Knight, Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Development and Director of the Leadership in Academic Matters Program, is available for one-hour confidential coaching sessions. Please contact Dr. Jennie Knight directly to schedule a time.

Department Chair Workshops and Support Based on Topics of Concern

The Office of the Provost hosts several gatherings per semester for all UVA Department Chairs, Area Directors, and Academic Associate Deans to talk about a variety of topics and challenges. Recent topics have included: the UVA Strategic Plan, Faculty Retirements, Annual Evaluations of Faculty, Inclusive Departmental Climate, and Promotion and Tenure Policies and Practices. Please contact Dr. Jennie Knight directly to schedule a time.

ACC Academic Leaders Network

Every year, five faculty from across UVA are nominated and selected to participate in a year-long leadership development program with faculty participants from all of the Atlantic Coast Conference universities.  The program consists of three three-day meetings during the academic year, each held at a different ACC institution, as well as other opportunities for networking and collaboration across institutions. For more information about the program or about the nomination and selection process, contact UVA’s ACC Academic Leaders Network Liaison, Dr. Jennie Knight.

Other Leadership Development Workshops

  • Leadership for an Inclusive Departmental/Area Climate
  • Leading from Mission and Values
  • Difficult Conversations
  • Leadership for Organizational Change